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Earth Loves You, Love it Back

Green Planet Solutions finding ways to provide eco-friendly solutions to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

What Does it Mean to be “Eco-Friendly”?

With the seriousness of the current climate crisis, it’s important that we continue to develop our high standards for environmental friendliness and applaud our companies that continue to prioritize and work on the cutting edge of environmental innovation.


When you learn about the environmental commitments of our companies, you realize that “eco-friendly” is much more than just not harmful to the environment. 


Our companies not only create sustainable products and ethical services, but our manufacturing and production is environmentally responsible, and often, they are working to completely alter the landscape of businesses’ role and obligation in protecting the Earth.


Our business is focused on not only not harming the planet, but actually having a net positive impact.


So, for our companies  & EOGreen Products we consider eco-friendly, sustainability is central every step of the way: from transparent and ethical sourcing of raw materials to environmentally friendly practices in manufacturing, to packaging, shipping and services, to diverting landfill waste at the end of their product’s life.




Why is it Important for Companies to be Eco-Friendly?

There are many ethical and practical reasons companies must be committed to being leaders in the environmental space. First and foremost is the reality that we only have one planet, and we all share it. All businesses have an impact on the planet, and that impact affects all of us.

Companies use huge amounts of our planet’s resources, and they in turn have huge impacts. It’s critical that sustainability be at the core of their sourcing, production, and distribution to make sure the world we live in continues to be habitable for the people these companies benefit from.

In addition to the ethical demands, businesses should be eco-friendly for practical reasons as well. Consumers are increasingly seeking to engage with eco-friendly products and companies.

How can Consumers Know Who is Truly Eco-Friendly?

If you google “eco-friendly companies,” you’ll get a long list of so-called “green” companies. But what separates companies that are “going green” from those that are actually environmentally friendly?


One of the easiest ways to tell if a company is truly eco-friendly and concerned about their environmental impact is by looking at their website. If environmental efforts are at the core of a company’s existence, you can expect they will have information about their environmental impact and mission readily available, right?


For example, all of the websites of companies on our list have clear, easy-to-find information about their environmentally sustainable practices. And exploring their websites doesn’t just show you that they are green companies. It provides eye-opening information on each aspect of their efforts and often introduces environmental innovation we didn’t even know were possible!

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